There is nowhere to arrive to, you arrived when you were born. Everything you need is within you, it’s part of the deal.

Welcome to my world of transformation and healing!

I am a multidisciplinary Healer, Artist, and Intuitive.

My ultimate purpose is to hold space for others, helping them cultivate a sense of belonging within themselves.

As someone who understands the beauty of breaking norms, I invite you into a space where your uniqueness is welcome and celebrated!

Strengthening inner connection to support outer expression.™️

Over the years, through my experience as a hairdresser and working with people, I have learned how to read people. To tune in and understand what they need or want.

Additionaly, because of how my brain processes information, I am able look beyond the surface of what people say or show me to truly see and hear them.

My most popular offering, the Radiance Emergence Reading™️ (RER™️), allows me to combine my wide array of skills and expertise, to show people what I can already see and help them explore their nuances with a new depth. Scroll down to learn more.

The Radiance Emergence™️ Reading

An intricate process of self-discovery, the RER™️ allows you to decode your emotions, unveiling the complex tapestry of your inner landscape.

Through a series of thoughtfully crafted questions, you’ll discover where these emotions reside within your body, what colors and textures they manifest as, and even the shapes they take.  As the artist guides the brush, your story emerges on canvas, offering a safe space for growth and self-discovery.

Uncover the blocks that hinder your progress and find the keys to unlock your potential!